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Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK

ACCESS  - Assistance with a suicidal crisis or other mental health emergency: 800-854-7771 (TYY for Hearing Impaired 562-651-2549)

L.A. County Child Abuse Hotline (Spanish available): 800-540-4000

L.A. County Elder Abuse Hotline: 877-4-R-Seniors (877-477-3646)

Southern California Coalition of Battered Women: 213-655-6098

INFO LINE (Information and Referral Federation) for L.A. County: 800-339-6993 or 626-350-6833

Regional Center: 213-383-1300

General Mental Health:

Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill

American Psychiatric Association

National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Institute of Mental Health

Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior

Tourette's Syndrome Association

The Treatment Advocacy Center


Article titled "101 Ways To Help Children With ADD Learn: Tips From Successful Teachers.” 

Children and Adults with ADD




Help Guide Organization

Your First Step


U.S. Administration on Aging. Long-Term Care Ombudsman


4 Paws for Ability

The Arc

The Autism Society 

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks Family Toolkit


US Autism & Asperger Association

Aspergers Support Groups in California

Asperger's Association of New England


American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Facts for Families Families

The Balanced Mind Foundation

Medication guides for parents collaborated by American Psychiatric Association and American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Positive Parenting Program

The Center for Reflective Parenting

TASK: Team of Advocates for Special Kids

State of California Department of Developmental Services


National Institute on Aging’s Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center

Eating Disorders:

The Academy for Eating Disorders

Maudsley Parents Web

National Eating Disorders Association

Gender and Sexual Orientation Issues:

American Psychological Association

Gender Diversity

Human Rights Campaign - Working for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equal Rights

TransYouth Family Allies


One Legacy


An Abuse, Rape, and Domestic Violence Aid and Resource Collection

Legal - Informational Resources:

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles

Resources for Sleep Education:

National Sleep Foundation

Knowledge and Information for Psychological Health and Well-being

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